Tuesday 23 November 2010

A Graphic Cosmogony ON SALE NOW!

I remember last autumn when Al from Nobrow started to kick around the idea of creating a comic anthology and now a year later here it is in all its glory. WOW! I think you'll agree, after perusing the photos I've nabbed from their website, that it is one sexy looking book. Hot damn, gotta love that cloth spine (drool!). The incredible front and back cover have been illustrated by the insanely talented Micah Lidberg. When I first saw this cover illustration, I wanted to go and throw my pens, pencils, brushes and computer in the bin. Its just TOO good.
Get ready for that tasty cloth spine. BAM!
'The Graphic Cosmogony' contains interpretations of the creation of the universe by 24 illustrators over 7 pages (24 hours in a day, 7 days a week. Neat, huh? Yes... yes, it is). Each interpretation is completely unique and printed in 4 whacked out spot colours. I played a small part in helping to edit the book in the early stages and also contributed 7 pages to the anthology. You can see one of my double page spreads below.
Further below is my favourite image that I produced for the book and I can not wait to see it in print on Thursday, when Nobrow have an official launch for the book, alongside the opening for Jon McNaught and Rob Hunter's 'Murmuring landscapes' exhibition at the Nobrow Gallery. RSVP on the facebook page by clicking HERE.
This splendid artifact can be purchased via the Nobrow website for a mere £24 by clicking HERE and will also be available from all GOOD bookshops in the UK, USA and Europe.

Here is the complete list of all the talented illustrators that contributed a 7 page story to the book; Stuart Kolakovic, Mikkel Sommers, Brecht Vandenbroucke, Luke Best, Rob Hunter, Jon McNaught, Ben Newman, Andrew Rae, Luke Pearson, Jack Teagle, Jon Boam, Jakob Hindrichs, Clayton Junior, Daniel Locke, Isabel Greenberg, Mike Bertino, Nick White, Rui Tenreiro, Sean Hudson, Luc Melanson, Katia Fouquet, Yeji Yun, Matthew Lyons, Liesbeth De Stercke.


@adigoodsell said...

Ben this looks awesome man. Will you be selling any prints or posters of artwork in here?

I'm thinking specifically the 'All That Dreams Matters' piece. Please say yes.

Great stuff!

Vilmoy said...

I just have to say that I'm strangely fascinated by your graphics. I sat staring at several of them smiling and when I snapped out of it felt a tad confused. But all in all, I feel I really like them :)

Luc Melanson said...

Hahaha! I felt the same when I saw the cover! :)

Marius Illustration said...

lovelovelove the 'all that dreams matters' piece. I want it on my wall :)

Ben Newman said...

Thanks everybody! The All That Dreams Matters image is now available a huge Gilcee print here.
