As the show is a part of the London Design Festival it has been gaining some great press. Here are some snippets and quotes.
This quote is from a blog called 'I am the Noble Savage'. I'm flattered beyond belief.
"Newman’s evocation of primitivism, however, is also layered with a retroactive sense of futuristic fascination. Weird, wily faces are composed with a repetitive mechanical energy reminiscent of Italian Futurism, the graphic rigor of Russian Constructivism and the clunky horror of nineteen-fifties American science-fiction monsters in a faded pulp comic palette. Symmetry offers no solace in these images, at once remarkable reminders of the highly organized aesthetics of the uncivilized and machined abstractions of ritualistic horror."
-Jamil, (iamthenoblesavage.com)
You can see more pictures and writings of the show on 8 and 2 (a blog by Yu Fujiwara), the Nobrow website and Its Nice That (which is where the video below comes from). Thanks to everyone for supporting the show.
LDF Special: Ben Newman from It's Nice That on Vimeo.