Wednesday 17 November 2010

Pre-order the Brand New Bento Bestiary Now

Hold on to your hats, folks! Here comes the brand new Bento Bestiary ready for pre-order (its only £12 English sterling). Every pre-order comes with a Nobrow canvas bag (while stocks last), which just so happens to have one of my lazy ass pictures on (what are the chances? Fair, I'd say). Here is the canvas bag illustration below.
Here are couple of inside shots from the new Bento Bestiary. KA-BLAMMO!
Pre-order the book by simply clicking HERE! If you are a book shop, gallery or any shop of any kind, the Bento Bestiary and all other Nobrow books are available in the UK and Europe through Turnaround Distribution and in the USA by Last Gasp! (West coast) and AdHouse Books Distro (East Coast).


Unknown said...

this looks sick ben! first Ive seen of you BW work too, loving the shapes.

Ben Newman said...

Thanks, Kyle.