Monday 21 February 2011

Mural for BodyTech Gym, New Zealand

The incredible Pete Rana from the BodyTech Gym in New Zealand got in touch with me just before Christmas to design a mural for his new gym. The mural changed into a super giant piece of work printed on canvas and stretched over a metal frame (similar to how old billboards use to be). Anyhoo, Pete wanted me to adapted my 'Jungle Gym' piece for Nobrow issue 2 so that it could be blown up to 9.5 metres by 3.5 metres. Seeing the photos below really puts the size into perspective. Whoa! Its pretty bloody big. Thanks again to Pete for asking me to create this for his gym and also for the great encouragement he provided me. Total dude! I hope to work with him again soon. Above is one of my roughs for the project and below is the adapted final version.
Here are some photos of the 'Jungle Gym' in the BodyTech Gym. I'm very pleased.


Walter Silva said...


Lucas Ferreyra said...

It looks AMAZING! Congrats!

Luc Melanson said...

Wow, very cool. Beautiful work Ben!

Nick White said...

I'd go to the gym if the gym had one of these banners in front of me. I'd be like "Pumping , pumping!" "What does Charles Atlas say?" yeah.

weight lifting benches said...

It is really nice to work with clean and new environment. The mural painting was appropriate in the place. Gym costumers would enjoy doing workouts with this new face of the gym.

Bjorn Rune Lie said...

You've kept this quiet!!
Looks great! Well done bro!

cold sores on lips said...

The setting of the gym is really cool. Everyone would love to have workouts on this wonderful ambiance. It is unique and feels comfortable.