On Good Friday I was asked by
Schuh to come down to their Bristol store in Cabot Circus and draw on their window for their 30th Anniversary. I was quite nervous about drawing in public because it really isn't something I ever do but that worry was all for nothing as the sun was shining and the folks at
Schuh were super friendly. I had a great day and really enjoyed being out of the studio and drawing on a large scale. The photo below was taken by Neil from
Schuh, who travelled down from their HQ in Edinburgh for the day, and tweeted the drawing in its various states of progress.

The brief for the drawing was to take any key moments from the past 30 years of pop culture and interpret them in my own way. I mainly drew inspiration from hip hop, punk, metal and Teen Wolf. The below pictures were taken by my friend and talented photographer, Pete Derrett. Pete dropped by to say hi and was a welcome break from the non-stop drawing. You can check out Pete's blog

This last photo was taken by Neil at the end of the day to show everyone on
Twitter the finished window. I highly recommend checking
Schuh out. On top of the fact they sell lots of great shoes they also stock a good array of UK size 12 which is fantastic for me as I suffer from large feet and usually have a very limited choice for foot wear.
Are you really size 12?!?!? You monster ... Last pair of shoes I bought were a UK4.5 ... That said they were intimate climbing shoes!
Looking good mister! Drawing in public? - You can do it, you can do lots of things! Tape drawings also look as smart as a tuxedoed penguin! Super doops.
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